Viga eléctrica
Barcelona, 2018
Oil on linen
25 x 37cm
9,84 x 14,56in
Visual artist Mercedes Mangrané Mora was born in Barcelo- na in 1988. Amongst her lastest exhibitions are: Susceptible, Cultural Rizoma Celrà, Girona, 2019; Flirteo, Nit dels Museus, Jardí Botànic, Coproduced by, Barcelona in 2018; Recompensa (Reward) at Ana Mas Projects, ART NOU, Bar- celona just to name a few. Mercedes lives and works in Bar- celona.
The artistic practice of Mercedes Mangrané has its starting point from most immediate everyday life. In her projects she investigates through video and painting the control mechanis- ms of contemporary society, the common spaces constituted by the new landscapes of leisure, the naturalized artifice of consumer life.
Starting from a certain discomfort aroused by the seemingly docile, she investigates the imaginary associated with com- fort, the privatization of public life and the violence contained in narratives of self-improvement, sometimes playing from a certain melancholy tone that gives off pictorial treatment on a theme, others from the documentary look, hybridizing fiction and the subjectivity of the autobiographical notches.
After graduating in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, she studied an Erasmus at Middlesex University in London. She is studying the Master of Creative Documentary Film at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011). Has the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude after completing the Master’s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate in Drawing, 2015, Universitat de Barcelona.