Miguel Marina

Bachelor of Fine Arts from the UCM in 2013, completing in 2010 his training at La Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. This is where his personal research on landscape and fiction begins in the pictorial representation in the painting chairs of Luca Caccioni and Massimo Pulini. He works primarily with painting and drawing and also coordinates the SNØ collective project of meeting and dissemination of artists. He has worked as an assistant to the artist Jorge Diezma and has exhibited individually at García Galería (Entreacto 2013, Ritorno), Artelateral (Environment for Painting, 2013) and at CEART (Panoramics and Miniatures, 2012). He has participated in numerous collective exhibitions such as XVI Call in the Luis Adelantado Gallery, Open Doors of La Casa de Velázquez (Stonehenge, 2014) and Otherwise Occupied (JustMad3, Rare Business). He has also enjoyed residency grants at La Casa de Velázquez in Madrid, 2013 and at El Palacio de Quintanar de Segovia, 2012. He currently lives and works in Madrid.